
Content type – GTA V and Variety

Buddha’s Kick link

Real Name: Lucas Ramos

Age: 28

Birthday: August 7, 1994

Hometown: Toronto, ON

Current location: Los Angeles, CA

Team: TSM

Where they stream: Kick and Twitch

Gaming and Streaming History

Buddha created his Twitch account in October 2016 and has been mainly creating GTA V roleplay content with his friends ever since, although he does sometimes branch out into other games and categories as well. He enjoys creating content that his viewers find funny and creating content with his friends as well as the improvisation aspect of it. He joined TSM FTX’s creator team in November 2021. He decided to begin streaming on Kick as well on February 28, 2023, but he still produces a lot of his content separately on Twitch.

Streamer’s Social Links

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