Ice Poseiden

Content type – IRL

Ice Poseiden’s Kick link

Real Name: Paul Denino

Age: 28

Birthday: September 29, 1994

Hometown: Palm Beach, FL

Current location: Austin, TX

Where Ice Poseiden streams: Kick and YouTube Gaming

Gaming and Streaming History

Ice Poseiden originally started out as an Old School RuneScape streamer on Twitch in 2015. However, he was forced to stop streaming on Twitch in April 2017 after he was permanently banned from the platform after he was swatted on American Airlines by a viewer claiming to be Ice Poseiden and stating that he had a bomb. He was also a member of NRG’s stream team from September 2016 to June 2019.

This was when he transitioned to YouTube as his primary streaming platform. He then started streaming on Mixer in August 2019 and continued to do so until the platform shut down in June 2020. He decided to start live-streaming again on Kick as a subathon for his trip to India on May 3, 2023.

Ice Poseiden’s Social Links

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